Some people may wonder whether or not there’s a purpose to studying eschatology. Some may think that the study is a foolish endeavor that comes with a mild thrill from decoding symbols and numbers, or that they will get lost in a jumble of technical terms, leaving them to wonder if there’s anything to actually look forward to (you mean all of Revelation already happened?). Others, enamored with the Left Behind series, have sometimes gone off-track and retreated from the world. However, this is not what God imagined when God gave us insight into His eschatological vision for the world. If God, in Christ, is actively reconciling the world to Himself,12 Corinthians 5:17-21. and in that reconciliation He is freeing creation from its bondage instituted by Adam,2Romans 8. we must, in virtue of our participation in Him, let our eschatology affect the way we live.
1. | ↑ | 2 Corinthians 5:17-21. |
2. | ↑ | Romans 8. |